This issue, we are going to play with how we can leverage psychographics to better target brand audiences. Marketing is multifaceted and ever-changing so it makes sense to think about how we can play in different areas to make a difference in the overall results we are aiming to achieve. Let’s play!
We all know that today, customers are drawn to companies that appeal to their personal wants and needs. For companies to successfully appeal to personal preferences, organizations and agencies need to intimately understand the individuals that make up their target audience(s). This means going beyond surface level characteristics, like age, education, income, and ethnicity. By using psychographics, companies can form deeper connections with their customers.
In this issue of Marketing Playground, we’ll share the best ways to use psychographics to enhance marketing strategies and improve customer engagement.
Psychographics & How to Use Them
Psychographics refers to the psychological and cognitive qualities of a consumer. They encompass the consumer’s beliefs, values, and goals. To better understand a consumer (or patient in the healthcare marketing space) and their habits, it is crucial to consider the psychographics at play. These include personality traits, lifecycle stages, interests, attitudes, and beliefs.
Attracting customers whose goals align with your business is a precursor to success. When considering psychographic data, companies can tailor messages and marketing strategies to appeal to their specific audience. Psychographic data can also reveal differences within a customer group, indicating to businesses which audience segmentation may be more useful. Audience segmentation allows businesses to take different marketing approaches for different kinds of consumers, ultimately making themselves more appealing to a wider range of consumers. In this way, psychographics is distinguished from demographics.
How we can Leverage Psychographics to Improve Results Seen with Only Demographics
Demographics are important, but they don’t show the full picture of a consumer. They give surface level categorizations of people based on characteristics like socio-economic status and religion. Psychographics allows companies to better understand who their customers are as it looks at characteristics like personality traits and attitudes.
Although demographics are significantly easier to obtain, psychographics allow for deeper and more meaningful connections between consumers and companies. They use more individualized categories to characterize the consumers. The most innovative brands in the world know everything they can about their targets. We can, too, by leveraging psychographics.
The Individual vs. The Group
While many people could fall under any given demographic, psychographics help define the individuals in that group even more. Marketing based on psychographics helps the consumer feel more connected and therefore more inclined to engage with the company.
Taking the approach of learning more about the individuals, rather than solely the group, enables companies to improve outreach and audience engagement. Social media and websites are effective tools to develop content that capitalizes on the audience’s priorities and interests. Blog posts, podcasts, and videos that address topics aligned with personal ideals and concerns draw customers in and make them feel valued.
“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.” – Dale Carnegie
Incorporating Psychographics in Your Marketing
Social Media Platforms
Target individual psychographic segments within your audience and recognize their specific values, rather than trying to advertise to as many people as possible at once. Social media platforms are visual and creative outlets for companies. Using graphics, videos, or appealing photos on Instagram, X, Facebook, and YouTube can garner the attention of those who prioritize social media as a form of media consumption.
Podcasts are a great way for busy individuals to consume media because they can listen in the car, while cooking, or even on the go. Companies should take advantage of this form of media to personalize your brand by engaging in relevant discussions. Inviting guests who have extensive knowledge on topics and beliefs that align with the company creates a sense of community and connection between listeners and your brand.
Company Websites
When creating a website, it is important to play close attention to the language that is being used. Social media platforms have little room for extensive text, so websites are a great way to elaborate on the company’s products, services, and values. By using psychographics, a company can better determine the tone that should be used to create a strong emotional connection with the audience.
At my company, C&A Digital, we consider all characteristics, both demographic and psychographic, when developing comprehensive marketing strategies for our clients. Reach out if we can help your brand target its intended audience as effectively as possible.
Until next time, thanks for coming to play.